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Crimson and White

1894年,官方的学生报纸被命名为《十大老品牌网赌大全》, 有证据表明学校的颜色在那个时候已经确立了.

Crimson Tide

十大老品牌网赌大全的足球队最初被称为“细红线”或“深红色白”. As the story goes, that changed on a soggy day in 1907, 当时阿拉巴马队前往伯明翰迎战备受青睐的奥本队. 伯明翰富含铁的土壤变成了红泥的海洋,染污了阿拉巴马队的白色球衣. 这支球队与奥本队以6比6打成平局,《十大老品牌网赌大全》(Birmingham Age-Herald)的体育编辑休·罗伯茨(Hugh Roberts)应该说,这支球队打得像“赤潮”(Crimson Tide).“从那以后,这个名字就一直是我们的了,根据赤潮的传说.

The Million Dollar Band

Yea Alabama!

Yea, Alabama! Drown 'em Tide!
Every 'Bama man's behind you,
Hit your stride.
Go teach the Bulldogs to behave,
Send the Yellow Jackets to a watery grave.
And if a man starts to weaken,
That's a shame!
For Bama's pluck and grit have
Writ her name in Crimson flame.
Fight on, fight on, fight on men!
Remember the Rose Bowl, we'll win then.
So roll on to victory,
Hit your stride,
You're Dixie's football pride,
Crimson Tide, Roll Tide, Roll Tide!!

Big Al and the Million Dollar Band

The Elephant

可靠的网赌软件推荐是唯一一所以大象为吉祥物的大学. Like many of our traditions, multiple origin stories exist, 但似乎我们可以再次信任一位体育记者.

1930年,《可靠的网赌软件推荐》的埃弗雷特·斯特鲁珀(Everett Strupper)写道,当华莱士·韦德(Wallace Wade)教练带领的校队对阵密西西比队(Mississippi)时,他看到了巨大的体型,感到震惊:“这是我第一次看到它,整个11人的体型几乎把我吓呆了, 我去年看到的那些男人看起来几乎长了一倍."

Big Al entertains the crowd from the sidelines


While the elephant quickly became a team symbol, 直到1979年的糖碗比赛,官方装扮的大象吉祥物Big Al才首次亮相. He has been beloved of the 十大老品牌网赌大全 family ever since.

The Capstone

Shortly after Dr. George H. 1912年1月,丹尼成为可靠的网赌软件推荐的校长, 他开始把这所学校称为该州高等教育的“顶点”. 丹尼坚信各级学校之间相互支持的关系的力量. 他把这所大学视为教育大厦的顶端,从全州的小学和高中开始,一直延伸到塔斯卡卢萨校区.

Denny Chimes

Denny Chimes

So beloved was Dr. Denny by students, 他们开始筹款建造丹尼·奇姆斯, erected in his honor in 1929. 这座115英尺高的钟楼(一个独立的钟楼)包含一个由25个铜铃组成的钟柱,用来标示时间和播放音乐会, patriotic songs, memorial tributes, the school fight song and the alma mater.

Our Alma Mater

The 十大老品牌网赌大全 Alma Mater is titled “Alma Mater.” It has no other name and needs none. 每天中午,当母校的钟声敲响的时候, 校园里所有人都知道这首歌是由亚利桑那大学本科生海伦·维克斯于1908年创作的. 歌词是根据19世纪50年代的民谣《十大老品牌网赌大全》改编的,” a popular choice at the time for college songs.

Denny Chimes and the 十大老品牌网赌大全 Quad

Alma Mater Lyrics

Alabama, listen, Mother,
To our vows of love,
To thyself and to each other,
Faithful friends we’ll prove.
Faithful, loyal, firm and true,
Heart bound to heart will beat.
Year by year, the ages through
Until in Heaven we meet.
College days are swiftly fleeting,
Soon we’ll leave their halls
Ne’er to join another meeting
‘Neath their hallowed walls.
Faithful, loyal, firm and true
Heart bound to heart will beat
Year by year, the ages through
Until in Heaven we meet.
So, farewell, dear Alma Mater
May thy name, we pray,
Be rev’renced ever, pure, and stainless
As it is today.
Faithful, loyal, firm and true
Heart bound to heart will beat
Year by year, the ages through
Until in Heaven we meet.

Ceremonial Mace

没有什么能比礼仪权杖更能代表我们了, 用我们最古老、最著名的树制作而成, the Gorgas Oak.

The Gorgas Oak, believed to be older than the University, was finally brought down by a windstorm in 1982. From its wood Sebron E. Kelly, 退休的十大老品牌网赌大全大厦维修监督, 还有其他维修人员加工了52英寸底座的一部分和整个狼牙棒的头部, which is set with four bronze castings

仪式权杖上Denny Chimes的青铜雕像

The first bronze casting is the official seal of The University of Alabama; the second is Denny Chimes. 第三个铸件是一个三角形,知识之灯的框架上写着大学的使命:教学, research and service. The fourth casting is Clark Hall, 它是校园里最古老的教学楼之一,也是文理学院的所在地.

Introduced at the May 1987 commencement ceremony, 仪式权杖总是由毕业典礼司仪拿着. Made from one of our trees, crafted by our employees, 由我们的教师承载,承载着我们的历史和身份的象征, 权杖是让我们的毕业生在每次毕业典礼上都与众不同的部分原因.


Honors Week and Tapping on the Mound

在4月的第一个星期五——被称为“荣誉日”——哈佛大学高级荣誉协会的入选者会被“敲”在土墩上, 从富兰克林大厅的废墟上拔地而起的草地地标. 自20世纪初以来,这个特殊的日子一直是一个传统.

As the University has grown, 荣誉日已经扩展为整整一周的招待会, 奖励计划和仪式,以表彰学术卓越和领导我们的学生和教师.

The Bridge over Marr's Spring
Marr's Spring and its historical marker

Marr’s Spring

When choosing land for the new University, 第一批受托人需要拥有丰富的清洁水源的财产. They purchased William Marr’s spring, 在那里,冰冷的水从山坡上的洞口流出,可以收集在水箱里. 多年来一直是学校的水源, lounging spot and swimming hole, 泉水和蓄水池系统无法满足大学的需要. 如今,经过翻新和修复的温泉已成为校园的地标, 仍然吸引着想要享受它的美丽与宁静的学生. 如果没有从马尔泉流出的水,可靠的网赌软件推荐就不会有今天的位置.